Rice Meal

From Sichuan's bold spices to Taiwan's subtleties, our menu offers a comprehensive journey through classic Chinese cuisine. Discover the authentic flavours from different regions, ensuring your cravings find their perfect match

Spicy Beef Tripe with Rice 麻辣牛肚饭

Spicy Chicken with Rice 辣子鸡饭

Enjoy the flavors of Spicy Fish Pot with Rice, a delightful Chinese meal
Authentic Chinese Spicy Beef with Rice dish at Fortune Alley

Spicy Fish Pot with Rice 麻辣鱼锅饭

Spicy Beef with Rice 古道牛肉饭

Try the flavorful Spicy Chicken with Rice dish from Fortune Alley's menu
Indulge in Spicy Beef Tripe with Rice, a classic Chinese dish at Fortune Alley
Delight in Braised Beef Brisket with Rice, a savory Chinese cuisine at Fortune Alley
Savor the taste of Salty Fried Pork Slices with Rice at Fortune Alley

Braised Beef Brisket with Rice 清炖牛腩饭

Salty Fried Pork Slices with Rice 盐煎肉饭

